Since its foundation in 1947 by Giovanni Rodio, Solexperts AG has been closely associated with research. Giovanni Rodio together with Professor Karl Terzaghi, the founder of soil mechanics.
1. Director
Professor Daxelhofer, director of Solexperts from 1949 - 1951 and later professor at the EPFL.
Arno Thut
1973; Arno Thut becomes Managing Director and begins a close partnership with the Institute of Geotechnics at ETHZ and Professor Kalman Kovári
Sliding Micrometer and Trivec
1970s and early 1980s; development of the line-by-line measurement systems Sliding Micrometer and Trivec
Niagara Falls, an early application of the sliding micrometer

Grimsel rock laboratory,
1982; Nagra's Grimsel rock laboratory, start of experimental research for radioactive waste disposal
1990s; Solexperts is the first in the world to automate levelling instruments and total stations,
Development of GeoMonitor and Davis (data acquisition and data visualisation systems)
Mont Terri rock laboratory
1996; start of Mont Terri rock laboratory, Solexperts is the main contractor for instrumentation until today
Solexperts France
2002; Foundation of Solexperts SARL, start of the ANDRA rock laboratory Bure, Solexperts is still the main contractor for the instrumentation of the geotechnical, hydrogeological and geochemical experiments.
CO2 sequestration experiments
2005; Start of CO2 sequestration experiments in the Mont Terri rock laboratory with Swisstopo, Chevron, BRGM and later ETHZ
Measuring dissolved gases
2010; Start of development of borehole probes for measuring dissolved gases in collaboration with Prof. Pironon and Prof. de Donato, Georessources, University of Lorraine
ETH Bedretto rock laboratory
2017; Start of ETH Bedretto rock laboratory for geothermal energy BULG, close cooperation with GeoEnergie Suisse and ETH.
GTC Kappelmeyer
2017; Acquisition of GTC Kappelmeyer, specialised in leak detection and distributed fibre-optic temperature tower measurement