ANDRA CMHM, Gas interference tests for tomographic analysis
Objective of the gas interference tests
Solexperts carried out gas interference tests for tomographic analysis at the French underground research laboratory Meuse/Haute-Marne (CMHM). The aim of the experiment was to study the evolution of the hydraulic properties of the induced fracture network/loosening zone around the gallery before and after resin injections.
Test performance
Eleven boreholes were equipped with removable Solexperts multi-packer systems. All six intervals per borehole were actively tested and the pressure responses were recorded in all observation intervals of the 11 boreholes.
Test analysis
Tomographic analysis was carried out by AFRY using a run-time based tomographic inversion technique. The analysis software was developed by AFRY specifically for crosshole responses in gas interference tests. In terms of permeability, the method provides a characterisation of the loosening zone of unprecedented quantitative and spatial resolution.